Friday, April 18, 2008

My First Blog, ever

Okay, so my friend's sister has a blog that I started reading, and I was intrigued that someone could post random thoughts and things about their life and other people would actually care to read them! And I thought - that is SO ME!!! Since I am essentially an open book, if you are anywhere near me you will know exactly what is going on in my life, I figured this is a great way to get out my innermost thoughts and feelings. Maybe I won't have to seek out a therapist now!

So, a little bit about me:

I am a 37 year old mother of one son, who we will call "Pal". Married for 12 years, and have known him for 23 years! I work 9 months a year at a local college and have Summers off to spend with Pal. It's the best of both worlds - 3/4 working Mom, 1/4 SAHM. I feel like that old military slogan "We do more before 9 a.m. than most people do all day"!!!

I love to read, spend time with good friends and I love to EAT!!!! And it shows.....

Okay, well, I'm sure you have other important things to do than listen to my "loves-long-walks -on-the-beach speech, so I'll end my first post for now.


1 comment:

Manic Mommy said...

Welcome, welcome, G. It took me a minute. I didn't realize you were that much younger than me!